By-Laws of the International Institute for FRP in Construction
First version 25 March 2003; Minor amendments May 2003; Further amendments: Sept 2003, Dec 2004, July 2008, June 2010, June 2012, Aug 2014, Dec 2016, July 2018 (IIFC ByLaws – July 2018).
Article 1 Name and Official Language
- The name of the organisation shall be the International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC), and hereinafter referred to as the Institute.
- The official language of the Institute shall be English.
Article 2 Aim and Objectives
- The aim of the Institute is to advance the understanding and the application of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in the civil engineering infrastructure, in the service of the engineering profession and society.
- The objectives of the Institute are to:
- (a) provide a focal point for international sharing of knowledge and experience;
- (b) promote collaboration to maximise the benefit of the international research and development effort;
- (c) foster international harmonisation of design and application standards;
- (d) further the acceptance of FRP composites by the engineering community and beyond as a major construction material; and
- (e) advocate further innovations, particularly through the interfacing of FRP composites with other technologies such as intelligent sensing.
- The Institute is a non-profit organisation and does not pursue any commercial objectives.
Article 3 Activities
- The objectives of the Institute shall be achieved by:
- (a) organisation and sponsorship of international conferences, symposiums, workshops, short courses and seminars, including a biennial official conference;
- (b) publication of the official newsletter, FRP International, and other relevant materials;
- (c) establishment of Task Groups in selected areas to develop state-of-the-art reports and design recommendations;
- (d) development of curriculums and course materials to meet educational needs at different levels; and
- (e) other activities consistent with the aim and objectives of the Institute.
- The scope of activities covers any and all aspects relevant to the application of FRP composites in civil engineering works, hereafter referred to as the field.
Article 4 Membership
- Individual membership shall consist of three classes: Fellows, Members, and Student Members.
- Fellows are the highest class of membership of the Institute. Fellows are Members of the Institute and have contributed significantly to the advancement of the field through research or practice, actively contributed to IIFC activities, and have been a Member of the IIFC for at least the preceding four consecutive years. Each Fellow candidate shall be nominated by three existing Fellows, approved by the Executive Committee and voted upon by the Council. Fellowship is conferred by the Council. Fellows are entitled to use the letters FIIFC after their names. If a Fellow’s membership lapses, the individual is no longer a Fellow of IIFC but may be re-elected to Fellow status if membership is subsequently reinstated.
- Members shall have a serious interest in the field, support the aim and objectives of the Institute and hold at least an acceptable bachelor degree in engineering, architecture or a related discipline, or equivalent. Members are entitled to use the letters MIIFC after their names.
- Student Membership is open to all those who support the aim and objectives of the Institute and are currently students of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program at a recognised institution of higher learning. Student Members are entitled to use the letters SMIIFC after their names.
- Organisations with a serious interest in the field and support the aim and objectives of the Institute can be accepted as Patron Members. Each Patron Member shall nominate one representative to exercise the rights and receive the privileges of the Patron Member.
- The method of election to the membership shall be by application to the Secretary of the Institute for consideration and approval by the Executive Committee.
- Members shall pay an annual fee to be determined by the Council. Payment of the annual fee is due on the first day of February each year.
- Membership may be terminated:
- by a member through a written notice to resign to the Secretary of the Institute;
- by the Executive Committee as a result of the membership fee not being paid for two consecutive years; and
- by the Executive Committee if a member has acted in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Institute.
- Fellows who have made significant contributions to the IIFC but are no longer paying IIFC dues may be conferred the status of Fellow Emeritus by the Executive Committee. Emeritus Fellows do not have voting rights.
Article 5 Voting
- Any motions calling for votes shall be passed if supported by more than half of those present at the meeting provided the quorum requirement for the meeting is met.
- Email voting is permitted for motions made to the Executive Committee, Advisory Committee, Honours Committee and/or Council. Quorum for an email vote shall be fifty percent of those eligible to vote. Email ballots shall be initiated and recorded by the Secretary and shall provide a minimum of seven days for response.
- No proxies shall be allowed.
Article 6 Organisation
- The organisational units of the Institute are:
- the Council
- the Executive Committee
- the Advisory Committee
- the Honours Committee
- the Task Groups
Article 7 Council
- The Council is the highest body of the Institute. It lays down policies for implementation by the Executive Committee. The widest possible international representation shall be sought in the composition of the Council, considering both geographical balance and strength of activities in different regions.
- The Council consists of members of the Advisory Committee who are automatically Council members, plus no more than forty elected members. Members of the Council must be Fellows or Members of the Institute. Elected members of the Council shall have a term of six years commencing immediately after election, and one third of them shall be elected by ballot at the general meeting of the Institute at each biennial official conference. Each candidate for election to the Council shall be nominated by at least five Fellows or Members of the Institute. Nominations shall be received by the Executive Committee at least two weeks before the official conference.
- The Council shall meet once every two years at the biennial official conference following the election of new members. The quorum of the Council shall be one-third of its membership. Between the official conferences, mail or email ballots administered by the Executive Committee shall be used instead.
- The Council shall elect from its members the following officers to serve on the Executive Committee of the Institute at the biennial official conference: the President, the Senior Vice-President, the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and the Newsletter Editor. The Council shall also elect a small number of members-at-large of the Executive Committee from within or outside the membership of the Council. Each candidate for election to a post on the Executive Committee shall be nominated by at least five members of the Council. Nominations shall be received by the Advisory Committee at least two weeks before the official conference. The Secretary shall be appointed by the President and shall be an existing member of the Council.
- In addition to the election of officers of the Institute, the Council shall vote on the following proposals submitted by the Executive Committee, generally at the biennial official conference:
- (a) the hosting organisation of the next official conference;
- (b) the candidates for Fellowships of the Institute.
- (c) the budget for the next two years and the annual membership fee; and
- (d) amendments to the by-laws.
Article 8 Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the President of the Institute as its Chairman, a Senior Vice-President who will become the next President when the current President retires from his/her position, three Vice-Presidents from at least two geographical regions, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Newsletter Editor, the Webmaster, a small number of members-at-large, and the Conference Coordinator(s) who shall be representative(s) from the organisation(s) hosting the next two official IIFC Conferences.
- Members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for a maximum of three terms in the same office. If a position of the Executive Committee becomes vacant between Council meetings, the President shall appoint an existing member of the Council to the remainder of the term.
- The Executive Committee governs and represents the Institute in all matters, according to the by-laws and decisions of the Council.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at each biennial official conference of the Institute following its election at the Council meeting, and in addition when requested by the President or at least half of its membership. Meetings shall be called by the President. Each member of the Executive Committee is required to attend at least 60% of all executive committee meetings called during the two year term. The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be one half of its membership.
- The President shall preside at Council and Executive Committee meetings, chair the Executive Committee and represent the Institute. The President can delegate their duties to the Senior Vice-President or any of the Vice-Presidents when and where appropriate.
- The Senior Vice-President and Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in the running of the Institute by undertaking duties assigned by the President, and in particular shall be proactive in representing the Institute in their region.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for all matters related to the membership of the Institute and undertake other appropriate duties as assigned by the President.
- The Treasurer is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee serving at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters of the Institute.
- The Newsletter Editor is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee serving at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the timely publication and healthy development of the official newsletter of the Institute.
- The Webmaster is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee serving at the pleasure of the Executive Committee. The Webmaster shall be responsible for all timely update and healthy development of the official website of the Institute.
- The Executive Committee shall submit to the Council:
- a. Proposals received from intending hosting organisations of the next official conference;
- b. Proposals of candidates for Fellowships of the Institute.
- c. Proposed budget and annual membership fee for the next two years;
- d. Proposals for amendments to the by-laws; and
- e. Report of activities and statement of accounts for the past two years.
Article 9 Advisory Committee
- The Advisory Committee shall consist of the three immediate Past Presidents of the Institute and six members elected by the Executive Committee. The elected members serve for a term of six years commencing immediately after election, with two of them to be elected during each biennial official conference. All elected members shall be Fellows of the Institute.
- The Advisory Committee shall meet at least once every two years at the biennial official conference of the Institute following the election of new members by the Executive Committee. The Advisory Committee shall elect a chairman from its members.
- The Advisory Committee shall provide advice to the Executive Committee in the day-to-day operation of the Institute.
- The Advisory Committee shall receive proposals of candidates for election to the Executive Committee for voting at the Council meeting of each biennial conference.
Article 10 Honours Committee
- The Honours Committee is responsible for recommending to Council awardees for the following IIFC awards:
- IIFC Medal
- IIFC Distinguished Young Researcher Award
- The Honours Committee consists of five members appointed by the Executive Committee from among the past awardees of all awards noted in Article 10.1 and the IIFC Lifetime Achievement Award.
- Members of the Honours Committee may serve for four consecutive years.
Article 11 Task Groups
- Proposals for the establishment of Task Groups in selected areas shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. The proposal shall include such details as the Chair of the Task Group, a list of members who have confirmed support, and the scope, form and frequency of activities and deliverables.
- Task Groups shall be established when there is a genuine need and widespread interest among the members of the Institute, and shall be terminated at the completion of the designated task of the group, or terminated by the Executive Committee when it has remained basically inactive for a period of one full year.
- The Chair of a Task Group shall submit an annual report of activities to the Executive Committee.
Article 12 Biennial Official Conference
- The biennial official conference is the most important event of the Institute and shall be held every two years, hosted by an organisation chosen by the Council meeting based on proposals received from intending hosting organisations.
- A Local Organising Committee at the hosting organisation and an International Scientific or Advisory Committee comprising leading researchers in the field shall be formed.
- The Council meeting held at an official conference shall consider proposals for hosting the future conference to be held in two years following the next conference. The proposals shall be received by the Executive Committee two months before that Council meeting. The proposals shall contain such details as the Chair of the Organising Committee, duration, registration fee, availability of reasonable accommodation and any financial support from the organisation. Proposers will be invited to make short presentations at that Council meeting. Voting on the proposals will take place after the presentations and subsequent discussions, and the outcome will be announced at the end of that Council meeting. An IIFC conference committee will work with, and provide support to, the hosting organisation of an IIFC official conference.
- The chosen hosting organisation shall form a Local Organising Committee chaired by a representative of the organisation who shall automatically become the Conference Coordinator and a member of the Executive Committee of the Institute.
- The chosen hosting organisation shall propose a list of members for the International Scientific Committee and keynote speakers for approval or adjustment by the Executive Committee.
Article 13 Newsletter
- The Newsletter Editor shall be the Editor-in-Chief of the official newsletter of the Institute. The Editor can appoint several Associate Editors to assist with the running of the newsletter.
- Each member of the Council, during their six-year term, is expected to contribute at least two articles to the newsletter.
Article 14 Finance
- The Institute shall be funded by member subscriptions, sales of publications and other lawful means such as donations.
- Any surplus shall be used solely in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.
Article 15 Rights of Members
Members of all classes shall have the following rights and privileges:
- (a) to vote at the general meeting of the Institute to elect members of the Council;
- (b) to receive the official newsletter free of charge;
- (c) to receive discounts at conferences, symposiums, seminars and short courses organised by the Institute;
- (d) to receive state-of-the-art reports produced by Task Groups free of charge;
- (e) to receive an annual report from the President; and
- (f) any other benefits as may be decided by the Council.
Fellows and Members have the following additional rights and privileges:
- (g) to nominate and to be nominated as candidates for election to the Council;
- (h) to be nominated as candidates for election to the Executive Committee;
- (i) to take part in the activities of Task Groups;
Furthermore, Fellows have the privilege of being nominated as candidates for election to the Advisory Committee.
Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 IIFC. All Rights Reserved