The IIFC Medal
One medal is awarded every two years and the winner is invited to give the IIFC Distinguished Lecture at the next IIFC official CICE conference.
Awards have been made as follows:
- 2023 Riadh Al-Mahaidi (Swinburne University of Technology)
- 2021 Jian-Fei Chen (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
- 2018 Brahim Benmokrane (University of Sherbrooke, Canada)
- 2016 Zhishen Wu (Southeast University, China and Ibaraki University, Japan)
- 2014 Antonio Nanni (University of Miami, USA)
- 2012 Lawrence C. Bank (The City College of New York, USA)
- 2010 Thanasis Triantafillou (University of Patras, Greece)
- 2008 Jin-Guang Teng (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)
Distinguished Young Researcher Award
One award is given every two years and the winner is invited to deliver one of the keynote lectures at the next CICE conference.
Awards have been made as follows:
- 2023 Elyas Ghafoori (Leibniz University Hanover, Germany)
- 2021 Libo Yan (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany)
- 2018 Tao Yu (University of Wollongong, Australia)
- 2016 João Ramôa Correia (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- 2012 Laura De Lorenzis (University of Salento, Italy)
- 2014 Luke Bisby (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- 2010 Scott T. Smith (University of Hong Kong, China)
- 2008 Renata Kotynia (Technical University of Lodz, Poland)
Lifetime Achievement Awards
Professor Len C. Hollaway is Emeritus Professor of Composite Structures in the School of Engineering – Civil Engineering, University of Surrey and is also visiting Research Professor at the University of Southampton. He has considerable research interests in advanced polymer composite systems and has been engaged on research into fibre/matrix composites for more than 35 years; his areas of interest can be classified under four broad headings, namely, innovation, stress analysis, concept development and design guidelines. He has had published over 180 refereed technical papers and is the author, co-author or editor of eight books on various aspects of composites in the civil engineering industry. He is serving on, or has served on, a number of national and international committees and has organized International Conferences in FRP Composites in Construction. In 1970, he founded the Composite Structures Research Unit, University of Surrey. He was a founder member (1988) of a working group at the Institution of Structural Engineers, U.K. concerned with Composites in Structural Engineering. In 1999, he was a founder member of a national network of research organizations and industry in the U.K. which was set up by the Universities of Surrey and Southampton (Advanced Polymeric Composites for Structural Applications in Construction Network, [CoSACNet],); this organization has recently been incorporated into the Research Group of the Network Group for Composites in Construction (NGCC) at NetComposites, Chesterfield, U.K. In 2001, he was a founder member of the IIFC.
Professor Urs Meier was for seventeen years the managing director of the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA) with 420 co-workers in Dubendorf, Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2001, he has been on the board of directors of the United EMPA-Laboratories. He is an associated member of the Department of Materials Science of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Professor Meier has accomplished much in the application of advanced composites in civil engineering during the past 30 years and has received worldwide recognition for his pioneering work. Especially noteworthy is the post-strengthening of civil structures with carbon fiber reinforced polymer strips, which has been successfully implemented at a growing rate worldwide and the CFRP stay- and post-tensioning cables. He has received a number of prizes and awards for his R&D-contributions. He is the holder of several patents on CFRP tendons and the application of pre-tensioned FRP strips.
Dr. Aftab A. Mufti is a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He is also the Program Leader and President of the ISIS Canada Research Network, a Network of Centres of Excellence, and the President of ISHMII (International Society for Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructures). His research interests include FRPs, FOSs, FEM, bridge engineering, structural health monitoring and civionics. He has authored or co-authored 5 books, plus provided chapters for 2 others, edited 7 books, and written more than 350 technical publications. Dr. Mufti is the recipient of 22 awards. He is the holder of several patents on the steel-free bridge deck concept, of which he is the principal developer. In addition, he is the Chair of the Technical Subcommittee of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code that recently completed developing code clauses to design, rehabilitate and repair structures using fibre reinforced polymers. The revised code is expected to be published in late 2006.
Professor Sami H. Rizkalla, Ph.D. is an elected Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI); Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE); Fellow, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE); Fellow, The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC); Fellow, International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC). He is currently a Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering and Construction, and Director of Constructed Facilities Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University. Director, NSF I/UCRC – Repair of Buildings and Bridges with Composites, North Carolina State University; Immediate past Chair of ACI Committee 440 “FRP Reinforcements”; Immediate past President and Scientific Director of the Canadian Networks of Center of Excellence “Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures”; Regional Editor, Elsevier Science “Construction and Building Materials” Journal; Member, Editorial Board, ASCE “Composite for Construction” Journal; Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Japan. 18
President’s Awards
- CICE 2023: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. João Ramôa Correia is Professor of Civil Engineering at Técnico, University of Lisbon, where he coordinates a research group (CORE) on FRP composite systems for civil engineering applications. The main research areas of the CORE group are the mechanical behaviour of FRP composites systems, connection technology, long-term performance, durability, fire behaviour and sustainability. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Composites for Construction and member of the Editorial Board of Composite Structures and Fire Safety Journal. From 2018 and 2022, he was leader of CEN TC250 Project Team WG4.T2, which developed the Technical Specification CEN/TS 19101:2022, Design of Fibre-Polymer Composite Structures. He served in the Executive Committee of IIFC since 2016, as Member at Large, Webmaster and Vice-President. In 2012, he was the recipient of the IABSE Prize attributed by the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering and in 2016 he received the IIFC Distinguished Young Researcher Award.
- CICE 2020/2021: Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Alper İlki is a professor of structural engineering at Istanbul Technical University. His research interests include the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete and masonry structures, as well as seismic retrofitting with FRPs. He is the associate editor or editorial board member of ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction and Bulletin of New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering. He co-edited three international books published by Springer titled Seismic Risk Assessment and Retrofitting, Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures, and Advances in Assessment and Modeling of Earthquake Loss. Dr. Ilki is an elected member of the IIFC Council and he chaired the organization committee of the 10th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2020/2021, the official conference of IIFC.
- CICE 2018: Paris, France
Dr. Emmanuel Ferrier was awarded the “President’s Award” at CICE 2018 in Paris in July 2018. Dr. Emmanuel Ferrier is a Professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, FRANCE. His research interests focus on the external bonded FRP material to concrete structures. FRP/concrete interface, shear and flexural strengthening combined with seismic retrofitting are the main research interest. He is the author/co-author of over 60 refereed publications and he his involved in local working group in France for developing standard for FRP strengthening. He is the director of the laboratory Composite for Construction in Lyon (France). Prof. Ferrier is an elected member of the IIFC Council, member at large of the IIFC Executive Committee and he gives a significant contribution to develop webinars activity for IIFC. He co-chaired the organizing committee of the 9th IIFC Official CICE Conference in July 2018 in Paris. He reviews for several international journals and is an editorial board member of Fib’s Journal, Structural concrete.
- CICE 2016: Hong Kong, China
Dr. Amir Fam and Dr. Raafat El‐Hacha were awarded the “President’s Award” at CICE 2016 in Hong Kong in December 2016.
Dr. Amir Fam is a Professor at Queen’s University, Canada. He is the Donald and Sarah Munro Chair and the Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen’s University, Canada. Dr. Amir Fam is the Vice President and Treasurer and a Member of the Council of IIFC. Dr. Fam is an active researcher in the area of structural engineering using FRP reinforcements and bio-based composites in new construction and retrofitting aging bridges and buildings, with a focus on the concrete-filled FRP tube system and FRP stay in place forms for concrete bridge decks.
- CICE 2012: Rome, Italy
Dr Kent A. Harries was awarded the “President’s Award” at CICE 2012 in Rome in June 2012.
Dr. Kent Harries is an Associate Professor of Structural Engineering and Mechanics at University of Pittsburgh. He is a member of IIFC Council and Executive Committee and was appointed IIFC Newsletter Editor at CICE 2010. Dr Harries’ research interests include the use of non-traditional materials (FRP, HPC, RPC, bamboo) in civil infrastructure, the seismic design and retrofit of building structures, the design and behavior of high-rise structures, applications of full-scale structural testing and the history and philosophy of science and technology.
- CICE 2010: Beijing, China
Dr Rudi Seracino was awarded the “President’s Award” at CICE 2010 in Beijing in September 2010.
Dr. Rudi Seracino is an Associate Professor of Structural Engineering and Mechanics at North Carolina State University. He is a member of IIFC Council and was appointed IIFC Secretary at CICE 2010, and served IIFC as the FRP International Editor from 2007 to 2010. Dr. Seracino is a co-chair of the FRPRCS-10 symposia to be held in Tampa in April 2011. Dr. Seracino’s primary research area is the application of advanced fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) in civil engineering, particularly in the development of ductile FRP systems for the rehabilitation or strengthening of existing infrastructure. Other research interests include the partial-interaction assessment of composite steel-concrete members, and the behavior of high strength/performance materials. His research includes large-scale laboratory testing, and analytical and numerical modeling.
- CICE 2008: Zurich, Switzerland
Dr Scott T. Smith was awarded the “President’s Award” at CICE 2008 in Zurich in July 2008.
Dr. Scott T. Smith is an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong, China. His research interests encompass the experimental testing as well as the analytical and numerical modeling of FRP strengthening systems for a variety of RC structural elements. He is the author/co-author of over 100 refereed publications including “FRP-Strengthened RC Structures” (Wiley 2002) as well as “Design Guideline for RC Structures Retrofitted with FRP and Metal Plates: Beams and Slabs” (Australia’s first design guideline under the auspices of Standards Australia in 2008). Dr Smith is an elected member of the IIFC Council, Secretary to the IIFC Executive Committee and he chaired the organising committee of the First IIFC Official Conference for the Asia-Pacific region in December 2007 (APFIS2007: He reviews for several international journals and is an editorial board member of ASCE’s Journal of Composites for Construction.
- CICE 2006: Miami, USA
Dr. Jian-Fei Chen and Professor Vistasp M. Karbhari were presented with the “President’s Award” at CICE 2006 in Miami in December 2006.
Dr. Jian-Fei Chen is a Professor at Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K. He has research experience in many areas in structural engineering including the nonlinear and dynamic behaviour of 3D structures, strength and stability of shell structures, behaviour of RC structures under static and explosion loadings, materials handling and particulate solids flow,stresses in silo structures, and behaviour of FRP strengthened concrete structures and thin shells. He has authored or co-authored over 120 refereed publications, including the book “FRP-Strengthened RC Structures” published by Wiley in 2002. Dr. Chen is a member of the IIFC Council and the Secretary to its Executive Committee. He co-chairs the IIFC Working Group on Bond Behaviour of FRP in Structures. He is the recipient of several awards including the Howard Medal 2004 awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Professor Vistasp M. Karbhari is a Professor of Structural Engineering and of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, where he leads research groups in the areas of processing and mechanics of composites, durability of polymers and composites, bio-materials, application of composites to infrastructure renewal and multi-threat mitigation, impact/damage mechanics, nondestructive assessment of materials and structures, and structural health monitoring. He is the author/co-author of over 160 papers in archival journals and over 200 papers in refereed conference proceedings. In addition to serving on the IIFC Executive Committee and as the Editor of the IIFC Newsletter, he also serves on the ISHMII Council, and is co-chair of ACI-440L. He is the Editor for the Americas for the International Journal of Materials and Product Technology and is an editorial board member of Composite Structures.
IIFC Fellows
Active fellows
- Founding Fellows elected in September 2003
U. Meier
A. Nanni
S.H. Rizkalla
L. Taerwe
- Fellows elected at CICE 2004 in Adelaide, Australia (December 2004)
L.C. Bank
J.G. Teng
T. Ueda
- Fellows elected at CICE 2006 in Miami, USA (December 2006)
V.M. Karbhari
K.W. Neale
Z.S. Wu
- Fellows elected at CICE 2008 in Zurich, Switzerland (July 2008)
C.E. Bakis
J.F. Chen
B. Taljsten
L.P. Ye
- Fellows elected at CICE 2010 in Beijing, China (September 2010)
B. Benmokrane
J.S. Sim
T.C. Triantafillou
X.L. Zhao
- Fellows elected at CICE 2012 in Roma, Italy (June 2012)
T. Keller
R. Seracino
S. T. Smith
- Fellows elected at CICE 2014 in Vancouver, Canada (August 2014)
R. Al-Mahaidi
R. El-Hacha
A. Fam
K.A. Harries
- Fellows elected at CICE 2016 in Hong Kong, China (December 2016)
M.F. Green
Y.F. Wu
E. Ferrier
R. Kotynia
- Fellows elected at CICE 2018 in Paris, France (July 2018)
L. Bisby
J.G. Dai
P. Feng
I. Harik
J. Myers Fellows elected at CICE 2020/2021 in Istanbul, Turkey (December 2021) (Virtual Conference)
A. Belarbi
J.R. Correia
E. El-Salakawy
T.R. Gentry
T. Yu- Fellows elected at CICE 2023 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (July 2023)
H. Rasheed
R. Masmoudi
Retired Fellows
- M. Erki
- L.C. Hollaway (deceased)
- Z.T. Lu (deceased)
- A. Machida
- A.A. Mufti
IIFC Best PhD Thesis Award
Awards have been made as follows:
- 2023 “Fire Behaviour of Concrete Structures Reinforced With GFRP Bars", Inês Rosa (Winner)
“Fracture Behaviour of Pultruded GFRP Profiles: Application to Web-Crippling Phenomena”, Lourenço Almeida-Fernandes (Runner-up)
“Hybrid Glulam-FRP Beam With Improved Fire Performance”, Abdulrahman Zaben (Runner-up)
- 2020 “FRP Reinforcement for Prestressed Concrete Applications”, Marco Rossini (Winner)
“Design Equations for FRP Anchors Exhibiting Fibre Rupture Failure Modes”, Enrique del Rey Castillo (Runner-up)
- 2018 “Glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) internally reinforced concrete slabs in fire”, Hamzeh Hajiloo (Winner)
“Seismic performance of FRP-confined RC columns: Stress-strain model and numerical simulation”, Guan Lin (Runner-up)
- 2016 “Design and characterization of natural flax fibre reinforced polymer tube encased coir fibre reinforced concrete composite structure”, Libo Yan (Winner)
“Lateral-torsional buckling resistance of pultruded fibre reinforced polymer shapes”, Tien-Thuy Nguy (Runner-up)
Best Paper Awards
CICE 2023: Rio de Janeiro
Best Paper – FRP in New Construction
"Redefining the limits of concrete bridge construction with non-metallic reinforcement", by Jan Bielak, Martin Claßen, Raphael Walach, Thorsten Helbig, Josef HeggerBest Paper – FRP strengthening of existing structures
"Cyclic loading test and analytical evaluation of circular steel columns retrofitted by externally bonded carbon fiber sheets in graded configuration", by Juliane Therese R. Bacod, Hitoshi Nakamura, Kim Oliver U. Magtagñob, Takahiro MatsuiCICE 2020/2021: Istanbul
Best Paper – FRP in New Construction
"GFRP Beam-to-Column Connections Using Stainless Steel Cleats", by David Martins, José Gonilha, João R. Correia and Nuno SilvestreBest Paper – FRP Strengthening of Existing Structures
"Integrated Structural and Energy Retrofitting of Masonry Walls: The Effect of In-plane Damage on the Out-of-plane Response", by Panagiotis Gkournelos and Thanasis Triantafillou- CICE 2018: Paris
Best Paper – FRP Strengthening of Existing Structures
"Application of Pre-Stressed Un-bonded CFRP for Strengthening of Metallic Structures", by E. Ghafoori, A. Hosseini, E. Pellissier, M. Hueppi and M. Motavalli - Best Paper – FRP in New Construction
"I-75 Bridge over Sexton/Kilfoil Drain, the Longest Highway Bridge Span Prestressed with CFRP Strands", by N. Grace, M. Chynoweth, T. Enomoto and M. Bebawy - APFIS 2017: Singapore
Best Paper – FRP Strengthening of Existing Structures
"Moment-Curvature Based Modelling of FRP-Strengthened RC Members Anchored with FRP Anchors", by S.T. Smith, H. A. Rasheed and S. J. Kim - Best Paper – New Construction Application
"Steel-Free Hybrid Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures", by J.G. Teng, B. Zhang, S.S. Zhang, B. Fu - CICE 2016: Hong Kong, China
Best Paper – FRP Strengthening of Existing Structures
"Direct Measurement of Traction‐Separation Law of Concrete/Epoxy Interfaces under Mode‐I Loading", by S. Amidi and J. Wang
Best Paper – Use of FRP in New Construction
"Modular Coreless Filament Winding for Lightweight Systems in Architecture", by J. Knippers, V. Koslowski, J. Solly and T. Fildhuth - APFIS 2015 / FRPRCS-12: Nanjing, China
Best Paper – FRP Strengthening of Existing Structures
"Small-Diameter CFRP Strands for Strengthening Steel Bridge Girder", by H. Kazem, S. Rizkalla, R. Seracino and A. Kobayashi
Best Paper – FRP Strengthening of Existing Structures
"Shear Strengthening of Cracked RC Structures under Service Loading Condition-A Case Study", by T. Imjai and M. Guadagnini - CICE 2014: Vancouver, Canada
Best Paper – Repair Application
"Cyclic Interface Behavior of External Composite Reinforcements: A Coupled Damage-Plasticity Model", by Pietra Carrara and Laura De Lorenzis
Best Paper – New Construction Application
"Long Term Bending Creep Behaviour of Thin-Walled CFRP Pretensioned High Strength Spun Concrete Poles under Sustained Load", by Giovanni P. Terrasi and Urs MeierBest Paper – Industry/Field Applications and Case Studies
"Load Test Evaluation of FRP-Strengthened Structures", by Nestor Galati and Tarek Alkhrdaji
- APFIS 2013: Melbourne, Australia
"Shear Behavior of Prestressed Decked Bulb T Beams Reinforced with CFCC Stirrups", by Nabil F. Grace, Kenichi Ushijima, Soubhagya K. Rout and Mena Bebawy
- APFIS 2012: Sapporo, Japan
Best paper award
"FRP Anchorage Systems for Infill Masonry Structures", by Dillon S. Lunn, Sami H. Rizkalla, S. Maeda and T. Ueda
Best paper award
"Durability of Aramid and Carbon FRP PC Beams under Tidal and Thermal Accelerated Exposure", by H. Nakai, H. Watanabe, T. Enomoto and T. UomotoBest research poster
"Confinement Effectiveness of CFRP Grids on Concrete Columns", by L. Ding, S. Rizkalla, G. Wu and X. QiongBest research poster
"A New Analytical Model for Concrete Cover Seperation of R/C Beams Strengthened with FRP Laminates", by D. Zhang, T. Ueda and H. Furuuchi
- CICE 2010: Beijing, China
"The Ultimate Condition of FRP Confined Concrete Columns: New Experimental Observations and Insight", by L.A. Bisby and T.J. "StratfordFinite Element Modeling of Insulated FRP-Strengthened RC Beams Exposed to Fire", by J.G. Dai, W.Y. Gao and J.G. Teng
- APFIS 2009: Seoul, Korea
"Repair of Impact-Damaged Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers", by J.L. Kasan and K.A. Harries
"Experimental Study on Blast Loading Response of FRP-Retrofitted RC Slab Structures", by J.H.J. Kim, N.H. Yi, S.B. Kim, J.K. Choi and J.C. Park
"Bowstring-Arch Bridge Made of CFRP, GFRP and Glulam", by U. Meier, R. Brönnimann, R. Widmann, A. Winistöerfer and P. Irniger
- CICE 2008: Zurich, Switzerland
"Field Testing of RC Slabs with Openings Strengthened Using CFRP", by H.M. Seliem, E.A. Sumner, R. Seracino, and S.T. Smith
"FRP-Confined Masonry – From Experimental Tests to Design Guidelines", by M.A. Aiello, F. Micelli and L. Valente
"Structural Performance of Iron-Wood-FRP Pedestrian Bridge", by G. Boscato and S. Russo
- APFIS 2007: Hong Kong, China
"Quantifying Strain Variation in FRP Confined Concrete using Digital Image Correlation: Proof-of-Concept and Initial Results", by L. Bisby, W.A. Take and A. Caspary
"Crack Development in CFRP Reinforced Mortar – An Experimental Study", by B. Taljsten, K. Orosz and G. Fisher
"Replacing a Composite RC Bridge Deck with an FRP Deck – The Effect on Superstructure Stresses", by K.A. Harries and J. Moses
- CICE 2006: Miami, USA
"Indirect Crack Control Procedure for FRP-reinforced Concrete Beams and One-Way Slabs, by C.E. Ospina and C.E. BakisNumerical Simulation of Bond Deterioration between CFRP Plate and Concrete in Moisture Environment", by Z. Ouyang and B. Wan"Strengthening of Concrete Beams in Shear with Mineral Based Composites Laboratory Tests and Theory", by B. Taljsten, K. Orosz and T. Blanksvard
- CICE 2004: Adelaide, Australia
"CFRP Strengthening and Monitoring of the Grondals Bridge in Sweden by, B. Taljsten and A. HejllExperimental Study on the Strengthening and Repair of R/C Wall-Frame Structures with an Opening", by CF-Sheets or CF-Grids, by A. Kitano, O. Joh and Y. Goto"Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Externally Bonded FRP Sheets", by T. Shimomura and K. Maruyama
"Development and Analysis of the Large-span FRP Woven Web Structure", by P. Feng, L.P. Ye, R. Bao and J.G. Teng
Photo Competitions
Photo Competition 2025
Please use the following link for your submission:
Photo Competition 2024
The Jury members for the Photo Competition 2024 were:
- Martin Noël, University of Ottawa, Canada
- José Sena Cruz, University of Minho, Portugal
- João Correia, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Qian-Qian Yu, Tongji University, China
Winner: “3D printed FRP sandwich bridge”, Lucija Stepinac, PhD student, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Second Place: “Tensegrity Cylinder”, Tara Habibi, PhD student, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Third Place: “Performance of aerogel-FRP composite laminates under fire”, Xu Liang, PhD student, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Honourable mention 1: “Structural Rebirth: Blades to Fibers”, Yanrang Meng, PhD student, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Honourable mention 2: “3D printing reinforced with continuous jute vegetable yarn”, Natalia Victoria dos Santos, PhD student, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
People’s Choice Award: “Externally Bonded with GFRP”, Omer Eski, PhD student, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Photo Competition 2018
“The rhythm“, Vu Linh, Tokyo Metropolitan University (FRP in an Engineering Project)
“Crack opening in a highly translucent GFRP fracture specimen“, Aida Cameselle-Molares, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (FRP in a Research Project)
Public Choice Awards
Winner: “The rhythm“, Vu Linh, Tokyo Metropolitan University (FRP in an Engineering Project)
Second: “Crack opening in a highly translucent GFRP fracture specimen“, Aida Cameselle-Molares, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (FRP in a Research Project)
Third: “CFRP Strengthening of an Australian Metallic Bridge“, Elyas Ghafoori, Ardalan Hosseini, Riadh Al-Mahaidi, Xiao-ling Zhao, Masoud Motavalli, Swinburne University of Technology, Monash University, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Photo Competition 2012
“Seismic Strengthening of 140 m high Concrete Chimney using FRP”, Structural Technologies Llc, Strengthening Division, USA (FRP in an Engineering Project)
“Flexural Test of a Composite Glass FRP Marine Pile“, Michael Forsyth and Sami Rizkalla, North Carolina State University (FRP in a Research Study)
IIFC Award for Outstanding FRP Field Applications
The IIFC Award for Outstanding FRP Field Applications is attributed in one of the following two categories, concerning the structural use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites in civil engineering applications: 1. New FRP Structures; and 2. FRP-Strengthening of Existing Structures.
The IIFC Award for Outstanding New FRP Structures recognizes outstanding structural design and construction projects of new structures (buildings, bridges or other infrastructure projects), either (i) exclusively made of FRP composites, or (ii) combining FRP composites with components made of other structural materials (in so-called hybrid structures), or (iii) using FRP reinforcement, namely in FRP-reinforced concrete structures.
The IIFC Award for Outstanding FRP-Strengthening of Existing Structures recognizes outstanding structural design and construction projects involving the use of FRP composite systems to strengthen existing structures.
To be eligible for an award, the project must have been completed before 31 March 2025.
Submissions shall comprise of two elements, prepared according to the template files and instructions provided by IIFC: (i) Nomination Form (download HERE), and (ii) Project Description (download HERE), providing enough detail to explain why the project is considered exceptional and deserving of the award in its category.
Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria: (i) Structural Conceptual Design; (ii) Design and Construction Detailing; (iii) Rational Use of FRP Composites; (iv) Aesthetics; (v) Sustainability.
The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2025 23.59 (CEST). Applications shall be submitted by email to For large attachments, applicants should use a secure File Sender system or platform.
The regulation is available HERE