IIFC Webinars

List of IIFC Webinars

IIFC Webinar 1

FRP material for construction

Emmanuel Ferrier, University of Lyon 1, January 2015

IIFC Webinar 2

RC beams strengthened for flexure

Enzo Martinelli, University of Salerno, January 2015

IIFC Webinar 3

Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams

Joaquim Barros, University of Minho, February 2015

IIFC Webinar 4

Seismic retrofitting of concrete and masonry structures with composite materials

Thanasis Triantafillou, University of Patras, June 2015

IIFC Webinar 5

Field applications of FRP in bridges in Australia

Riadh Al-Mahaidi, Swinburne University of Technology Australia, April 2015

IIFC Webinar 6

Durability issues of FRP for Civil Infrastructure

Brahim BenmokraneUniversity of Sherbrooke, June 2015

IIFC Webinar 7

Behaviour of pultruded GFRP tubes subject to concentric compression

Kent Harries, University of Pittsburgh, March 2015

IIFC Webinar 8

Bridge market using FRP from Fiberline

Christian Scholze, Fiberline, October 2015

IIFC Webinar 9

FRP Bridges in Spain during the last decade

Carlo Paulotto, Acciona Infraestruturas S.A., February 2026

IIFC Webinar 10

Behaviour and modelling of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-confined concrete

Tao Yu, University of Wollongong, March 2016

IIFC Webinar 11

Seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures with FRPs

Alper Ilki, Istanbul Technical University, June 2016

IIFC Webinar 12

Review of anchorage systems in strengthening of concrete structures using FRP

Riadh Al-Mahaidi, Monash University Australia, October 2016

IIFC Webinar 13

Fire behaviour of pultruded GFRP materials and structures

João Correia, University of Lisbon, June 2017

IIFC Webinar 14

Flax fibers for EBR RC strengthening

Ferrier Emmanuel, Université Lyon 1, June 2017

IIFC Webinar 15

Strengthening of timber structures with FRP composites

Scott Smith, Southern Cross University, July 2017

IIFC Webinar 16

Prestressed FRP for new construction

Raafat El-HAcha, University of Calgary, October 2017

IIFC Webinar 17

Fatigue of Composites

Anastasios P. Vassilopoulos, EPFL, Switzerland, April 2024

IIFC Webinar 18

Design and Construction for FRP Reinforced SWSS-SCC Structures

Yu Zheng, Dongguan University of Technology, China

IIFC Webinar 19

The Resilience and Longevity of GFRP Reinforcing Bars in Sustainable Construction Solutions

Alireza Asadian, MTS Rebars Inc.